How To Be Happy In Life With Little Money?

How To Be Happy In Life With Little Money - Even Though It's Very Hard To Live A Life With Such Misery

Massive lay off? Impoverished? Robbed? Bankruptcy, all is a test!

Don't feel happy because of poverty? That is reasonable. But that does not mean poverty makes us always unhappy. In fact, as we are poor we can feel sometimes we are happier than the rich. Little money that we have can make us even happier than the richest man in the world though.

Who says the rich always happy? Okay, we know they are rich men, life has always been well off, but they might be restless for their belongings need to be maintained and kept secured. They fear the treasure quickly run out or they might be afraid of being robbed, business go bankrupt and so on. In the meantime, criminals simply look at the money we have is so little so they won't commit a crime on us, right? We should be grateful for this.

Wealth is at the heart and the sincere soul. Find yourself a happy way with less money. For example, you can offer services to friends, keep hanging out and looking for outdoor projects that could generate additional income. Use the little money you have to trigger a dream. In other words, use it as capital to start a small business. The very valuable lesson we can get from this is that we are given power each day by God not to give up hope, but to keep trying and finding the best solution of our problems. There's also lesson we can learn from a great number of famous person whose early life was full of misery and poverty but could manage it and become what they are now.

Indeed, if the money is too little, we can do nothing but dream. Is that correct? We cannot blame the poor for that. For a while it's better do so than harm others to earn much money.

If you are broke, impoverished by a massive lay off, etc. keep trying to gain your best again, be patient and keep grateful with the blessing life given by God.
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